Dangers of Loving Your Dog Too Much

Probably the most common reason people get dogs is for companionship, and they do make great companions. They’re always there for you. They give you unconditional love. They endlessly listen to your problems. They seem to make everything better for you, and you assume you’re making everything better for them. But that is likely not the case. Though your pampered …

Adopt Your Dog’s Outlook to Be a Better Pack Leader

Dogs are instinctive creatures. They live in the present. The past means nothing to them, and they are incapable of anticipating the future. This is their survival mechanism. Because they are not dragged down by guilt and fear and stressful feelings, they react appropriately to threats. You’re different. You feel guilt or shame over things that happened yesterday, and you …

Puppy Socialization: The Key to Raising a Well-Adjusted Dog

Puppy socialization – exposing a puppy to everything in the environment they’re likely to encounter during their lifetime – is the most important thing you can do to help your puppy grow into a calm, happy, well-adjusted adult.  Because lack of socialization can turn your curious, excited puppy into a fearful, anxious adult dog. However, results in behavior problems that …

Reduce Anxiety in your Dog

Consistency Reduces Anxiety in your Dog Fear and anxiety are two of the most common behavior problems we see in dogs. These issues not only strip dogs of any confidence, but they can also cause aggression. Though some dogs are born more timid than others are, fear or anxiety is often the result of negative training experiences. Inconsistent Expectations Cause …

Puppy Training Orlando

Dog Off Leash Training

    One of the biggest mis steps we see is when people rush the training process and do not accomplish on leash before they do off leash reliability. On leash training is the core and the foundation for every area of your dog’s life. How your dog responds to you is an indication of the relationship that you two …

What fear and anxiety look like in a dog

Not Addressing Fear/Anxiety Issues There are a lot of behavioral problems that can stem from fear. When fear and anxiety aren’t addressed they are often overlooked because we often feel bad for our dog and unknowingly encourage that state of mind instead of helping the through it. Tail tucking Ears pinned back Hair raised on center of back Cowering or …